Student Success, Retention, and Graduation

We want every student to achieve their potential, and believe they can. The challenges? Too many to list. Each student is unique and has their own burdens, surprises, and disruptions that stand between stepping on campus and stepping up to receive their diploma.

Colleges and universities know that they need to look at students holistically, understand students’ needs, and provide the services and support that will help students succeed. Pulling everyone together to improve student retention in higher education is hard. It requires integrated planning.




Is Higher Education Ready for Its Learners?
Impact Student Success Using the Three-Box Solution

Improving student success requires colleges and universities to let go of past practices, improve current operations, and experiment with new innovations. Learn how one institution used a nimble strategic planning process to create a student success framework that addresses the past, present, and future.


Build A Culture of Integrated Planning On Your Campus
Through Hands-On Learning

Planning Institute Workshop Series
SCUP’s PI workshop series will help you and your team no matter where you are in the planning process. Learn more about the PI.

Integrated Planning Coaching
Get quick, timely problem-solving advice from planning experts with boots-on-the-ground experience. We’re here to help support your institution. Let’s talk! Get in touch.